Excess Deaths in 2021
A dramatic increase in deaths among working adults raises disturbing questions
A few days ago Roman Balmakov from the Epoch Times posted a video which discussed reports from multiple life insurance companies indicating concerning a staggering rise in mortality among working age adults (18-64) during 2021. Although Balmakov refused to speculate about what might be causing these excess deaths, the insurance companies have made a point of declaring that the increased mortality rate is not specifically related to Covid. Lincoln National, for instance, claims that these deaths were “driven by non-pandemic-related morbidity, including unusual claims adjustments, and less favorable returns within the company’s alternative investment portfolio.” If the Covid pandemic is not responsible for these deaths, then what, or perhaps who, is responsible?
The most obvious culprit of course is the vaccines, but because of the censorship imposed by the big media companies on any content deemed “anti-vaccine,” hardly anyone dares to say so. Because of this silence, it’s beginning to look like those potentially responsible for these deaths (Big Pharma, the FDA, the CDC, left-leaning politicians) are going to get away with it.
Here’s the Balmakov video. It’s worth a viewing:
It's amazing despite smoke coming from a credible source, people do not want to see the connection.